Sam Cook's U.S.Army Movies

In early 1967, I shot a very small segment on Super8 Kodachrome film.
That film consists of two Super8 rolls, running approximately 6 minutes.
The first half is just random shots in front of my barracks.
The second half is a Monthly Company Party mandated to improve morale.
It is under a parachute canopy behind the company communications center.

The actual date is unknown.
It is somewhere between January 1967 when I was promoted to SP5
and August 1967 when I came home on leave.
Unfortunately, I left the camera home
so was not able to shoot any more film after that time.

After 46 years, I found a house to convert that film to DVD format,
from which I converted it to .AVI format to use on my website.
The .AVI file is about 26MB in size, so it takes a while to download. Be patient!
That house is Musevox Multimedia in Altamont, MO.
I highly recommend them.

And now, tonight's movie...(on YouTube)
Blurriness, etc. is due to being enlarged from very small Super8 movie frames.