Airboat Communication System
In mid-1967, the Signal Maintenance Shop at Nha Trang was contacted to see if we could devise a method of communications among the crew members in the very noisy environment of the airboats. CWO Carl W. Sellers was the Signal Maintenance Officer in charge of the shop at that time.

PRC-25 Radio and Intercom Unit In turn, I was assigned the task of scrounging parts and building a prototype unit for testing. That unit is pictured on page 2 of the article (ammo can strapped below the radio). A 30-cal ammo can was selected due to its similarity in size to the PRC-25 radio, as well as its ruggedness.

When I visited Ft. Bragg after getting out of the Army in 1968, WO1 Leo F. Butcher (Signal Maintenance Officer) gave me a copy of the USARV magazine with an article about the project.

To read the article published in USARV Command Communications, November 1967, go to my slide shows and select the Nha Trang, RVN - Airboat Project show.

I do not know the outcome of the project. Apparently, somebody built more units and equipped more airboats. Whether or not this became a real product, I do not know.

Samuel J. Cook (formerly SP5, SigCo, 5th SFGA)
MOS 32C20 (leg)
(True story to the best of my knowledge. Written 9 April 2001. All rights reserved by S.J.Cook.)